Hey guys,

Its been a while but I am back, and as you may or may not know Eric and I have launched CLUBLOOSE IRL .

After years of Eric competing both in Europe and America, and myself doing grassroots drift events/drift days, we see there is a lack of events/chances for semi pro and and amateur drivers in Ireland and want to bring a change to Irish grassroots drifting.
We plan to bring back the fun and camaraderie to drifting, Clubloose IRL will be for all levels of drivers to drift with people of similar ability. We will running a 3 group format on the day and promise lots of drift track time, pro driver advice and tuition on track, tandem practice (pro group), as well as fun and awesomeness!!!!

Take a look for more info and to get involved....

Lots more excitement to be revealed on the day, so spectators welcome!!!
