Quote Originally Posted by BDC View Post
Ladies and gents

We can now announce the final details of the 2 remaining licensing days prior to the start of the 2010 season.

Due to circumstances beyond our control it has been necessary to bring forward the licensing day in England to February 6th and rescheduled the licensing day at Knockhill, Scotland to Saturday March 13th (Full details to follow).

6th February Licensing day

This will take place at the home of British Motor Sport - Silverstone on Saturday the 6th February.

This event will be restricted to 30 cars/drivers.

This event is restricted to those wishing to achieve a licence for the Semi Pro class or any Semi Pro driver wanting to be assessed for a Pro licence.

Cars do not need to be built to BDC rules and regulations but recommended.

Helmets are mandatory.

Passengers will not be allowed other than for instruction by BDC nominated personnel.

The timetable will be as other licensing days.

0830 briefing
0900 Practice
1200 Lunch
1230 Pre licence briefing
1300 Licensing
Open practice upon completion of licensing
1600 Track closes
1615 Event debrief

Full details will be sent to all attending once payment has been received.

Payment can be made 3 ways:-

1. PayPal
2. Bank transfer
3. Online Bank transfer


Please send £77.50 (£2.50 to cover PayPal/admin fees) to bdcevents@hotmail.co.uk

You must include the drivers full name and contact email address when sending payment.

Bank transfer

Please transfer £75 to:-

BDC events Ltd

Barclays Bank
Sort code 201071
Account no 23754219

Please give the drivers full name as a reference and contact us via pm or email bdc@live.co.uk with payment details.

Online transfer

If making a bank transfer online please ensure you contact us, we will allow 3-4 working days to allow payment to reach our account, if at that time the payment has not been received we will offer the place to another driver.

If you require any more details please post, contact us via pm or email bdc@live.co.uk.

Many thanks

The BDC team.