View Full Version : Wanted: responsive turbo for sr20

19-03-15, 15:10
Looking for a hks gtss or 2871r for an sr20det vvt must be in perfect working order will pay extra for full kit with manifold actuator etc what's out there?

19-03-15, 15:25
Brand new Tomei Arms M7960 due in 2 weeks. €1200

19-03-15, 15:48
I'd love to man but don't have that sort of money to trow at it with trying to get my road car up and running also 6-800 max be all I'd have unfortunately

19-03-15, 20:28
Brand new Tomei Arms M7960 due in 2 weeks. €1200

Don't be letting others in on the secret you! :p

Seriously though I cannot fault the M7960, fit it along with the bits Tomei recommend for a very responsive 420bhp! Well woth saving the extra few euro over a 2871 imo

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10986898_909203665778025_6473575012476880193_n.jpg ?oh=756e2fa4f3b7981e12748792422ba44b&oe=55725353&__gda__=1437677369_3f0d43b04917428e68f83d4bf42ee7a f

19-03-15, 21:04
[QUOTE=blusrule;515554]Don't be letting others in on the secret you! :p

Seriously though I cannot fault the M7960, fit it along with the bits Tomei recommend for a very responsive 420bhp! Well woth saving the extra few euro over a 2871 imo

Lol to be fair i wasnt wrong was i :D Far superior turbo to a 2871, roller bearing so will last forever also. Sean bought his one off myself and it made great power over the rated figure which is always good!

20-03-15, 13:23
Il see how I get on over the next few weeks lads if nothing pops up I may take the plunge :)