View Full Version : Wanted: R32 Front Bumper

02-05-14, 12:18
Looking for a front bumper to get my R32 through NCT, the GTR rep on it is a bit rough. Anything considered- the cheaper the better as it will literally only be on for the test. If anyone would consider loaning me a bumper for it would also be interested in that (would obviously pay). If you know of anything please PM or post here:afro:

02-05-14, 13:04
where are you based?

03-05-14, 14:20
Should have said, based in Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. You got something Andrew?

04-05-14, 17:03
have one there, you can buy or borrow it if you cover couriers. its an aftermarket one, not mint but passed test last month on car it was on.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10175963_10154030994620408_2911125269229767160_n.j pg?oh=8a5d6f9778573459a61c416e867adab4&oe=5368B1E4&__gda__=1399366008_c16860b92906bce053accc70f930347 3

04-05-14, 23:20
Thats not a bad looking bumper Andrew, have you got any better photos of it?