View Full Version : IDC rd5 Japfest aftertaughts

09-09-13, 00:02
So what did everyone think? I was skeptical heading down considering the layout of the track hadn'd changed, taught it would just be a rerun of rd1, only made it down for super lap but holy shit the level of drifting was just awesome, brian eagans entry on the clutch was just amazing, runs of the day for me, even though they didnt win the battles was duane mc keevers chase run on martin french and alan mc cords chase run against james deane were the most entertaining of the day, pity about the mistakes. Good to see dmac back on form along with barry leonard, savage driving from him.
Rain and cold kinda ruined yesterday but well done to all the drivers involved, future looks very bright with all the rookies coming through, felt for diamurd o connell, taught he was going to pull of the championship win till his single mistake.
Show and shine had some nice jap cars in it to, better than last years i taught, but did anyone else think the stunt driving was just alot of diffing?
Roll on 2014. :smiley:

09-09-13, 00:10
God terry grant loves hoops.lol
But ya yesterday was a dose with the rain, today was awesome! Delighted for barry leonard he was driving out of his skin! Chris Doyle was unbelievable too!
Shame the ps13 was handling odd all weekend for ffrenchy but that's the joys of it I suppose. Ya Egan was so entertaining as always!love those ssr's sooo much on that little 86.
brilliant weekend was had, sickened the season is over, excited about 2014!

09-09-13, 09:22
I travelled up yesterday only. Drifting seemed to be of an awesome standard. I know the track is challenging and I'd love to be able to drive the track, but from a spectator point of view i'm just a little bored of it. Lots of breaks and that made it cumbersome and i left early.

Some lovely cars on show, but also some serious shit boxes. But the standard in general was a lot better than last year. I'd love to see a bit more organisation in the pits. It really looks like people just showed up and set up wherever they wanted. There was no flow to it. The only 'organised' cars on show seemed to be the sakura squad, and they actually had some really cool cars.

The Doyle bros are heroes, I'm sickened I missed Saturday.

09-09-13, 09:36
Savage display of driftin, people on der feet in da grand stand most of da time

Highlight was mcarthys m3 passin da grand stand wit mcnamaras quarter panel stuck in da wing, seriously good entertainment in driftin yday, , fair play to them

09-09-13, 09:52
Frenchs car is just an absolute beast - id gladly have the noise of it as my alarm every morning :D - serious serious entries also - man was the most entertaining out there yesterday by a country mile

Serious talent in this country compared to others - They should really push the IDC and try to bring over some more big drivers from abroad

Anyone that has pictures - get them up

There was some serious SHITE in the show n shine as always - stuff that wasnt even good enough for the field - but on the other side of the coin there were some amazing machines there too

Best car of the show and shine for me IMO was Ross Irwins FC - such an awesome piece of metal

this is the only pic i can find of it at the min but im sure there will be others poppin up in the next few days


09-09-13, 11:37
Only travelled down yesterday but damn the driving was unbeleiveable. Best I've ever seen at an event. Ffrench was pushing hard as ever, and dont think Ive ever seen James Deane push so aggressive. Amazing ta watch. But for me the best were Brian Egan and Chris Doyle. Brians double clutch entry was lunatic stuff.

Cars in the paddock was an improvement on before but definately a lot of shite still there. Dori88's 180sx was looking savage as well as Marty's. Some cool s2k's and one or two really nice civics around too (feel in love with the MNP sir).

Gladly not as many scumbags around this time, although still a few, think I only got the smeel of weed 2 or 3 times lol Seemed ta be an awful lot of familes at it yesterday which just goes ta show the growth of the sport into the mainstream in the last year or so.

Well done ta David Egan and all the team for getting the grandstand the most excited I've ever seen it. Hard job ta do it was a great atmosphere in the grandstand for the Top 16 onwards.

09-09-13, 12:21
I absolutely fell in love with this d1 style jxz100! So awesome, the only thing letting it down are the miesters imo, would love to see it with huge antricide xd9s.

09-09-13, 14:43
^^^^^ yeah i loved that, just hate the molded in arches too... Bronze cst's or something would be perfect on it

Savage day yesterday, A really sexy display of 180s in the paddock!!
The retro autos crowd and all there ke's were awesome too!
The pair of fc's and the old school fb were also class... Really good display of of road cars, savage improvement to last year!

On track, ffrenchies entrys were crazy, car didnt seem to be working perfectly but still drove like a god. Brian egans clutch kicks were also mad.. Well done to everyone.
thank fuck he weather wasnt too bad.

09-09-13, 15:13
drifting was awesome, love watching martin ffrenchs entries in that ps13!! brian egans (trixta) 4th gear clutch kick entry was insane, so good to watch! loved how chris doyle made it into the finals, was awesome seeing that skyline taking on the big boys!

as for the show and shine, apologies for not having a DI stand this year, but the last couple of weeks have been flat out for me :(

but there was some serious cars on display, highlights for me was the 98 corolla with the cb ariel and the sticker on the rear window saying "when the clutch drops, the bullshit stops" or the black completely standard 99 toyota avensis. the bar been raised to crazy new heights by these cars

on a serious note about the show cars, i had my german friend over with me who was taking picture for a german blog, he couldnt beleive the standard of cars on display, he said in germany you wouldnt get cars this good unless they came from ireland originally, he was so excited to see all the 180's, chasers and ae86's as these cars are seriously rare over there (3 ae86's in all of germany, 2 chasers lol) he also said the level of drifting is miles ahead of germany

great night out with everyone, we had a serious crew in the priest college this year, how we didnt get fired out is a miracle, mantra was full of lol's , dont remember much of the end but i did meet your man from the green mile.

09-09-13, 15:26
Haha I also saw that corolla , some people need a good slap
As for the show And shine I seem about 30-40 cars that deserved to be in there the rest were scrap , they definitely need to regulate on who gets into the paddock

Drifting was unreal only for the foam at the barrier frenchy would have been fairly sore today I'd say , Barry Lenoard was driving awesome all day Aswell and love the sound off DMAC and mike fitzs cars rotary rev is unbeatable

09-09-13, 15:41
come at me bro

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1185864_417463225024404_2047205439_n.jpg?oh=07f0dd 1a603dd50aed1ef7a0ce01b7ea&oe=522FCAAF&__gda__=1378937083_7b725d1fe509c869f3afa79fc3954c7 e

justin, the s15 looked amazing, my friends kept calling me a retard for selling it (which is true)

09-09-13, 16:15
Wasn't there this year unfortunately, so i cant comment on the drifting side of things but the standard of cars looks to be improving. More people need to get on this guys level: http://statigr.am/p/540558737150197594_253156166

09-09-13, 16:19
Pic of my car taken by Cian from low life


09-09-13, 17:18
That's a sweet 406 estate in the backround Rory.lol
But seriously your car is simply awesome, FairPlay!

09-09-13, 17:30
rory i want you car! its perfection! loved every bit of the hole weekend. dave daly must be one of the soundest chaps around haha thanks again for bringing parts to idc AGAIN :) next time your staying with us! i can only imagine how much fun next year is going to be! spooning with the drury lad again haha. As for the drifing WOW irish drifters are getting better and better every year. God love the world when Chris and Bernard Doyle move up from stock enough powerd r32s.

09-09-13, 17:31
I thought the standard of cars was better than previous years. Granted there were a few shitboxes but if you disregard them, then the standard was good.

Car of the show for me was Dori88's 180. Here are a few pics I took

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2870/9708922485_7daa56c4c6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708922485/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708922485/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3700/9708923015_1bdd70a488_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708923015/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708923015/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3737/9712161550_d13663d239_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712161550/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712161550/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2878/9708924303_e04e054f6a_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708924303/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708924303/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/9712162556_8a3d37f59f_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712162556/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712162556/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3747/9708925921_e47897a08e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708925921/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708925921/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2817/9712164176_5428eee826_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712164176/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712164176/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2833/9708926947_ed2beb84a7_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708926947/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708926947/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3817/9708927695_78fc8f3909_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708927695/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9708927695/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3671/9712169986_408451c390_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712169986/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712169986/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/9712170634_cd95bc24a6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712170634/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712170634/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3797/9712171720_246946d7da_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712171720/)
Japfest 2013 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/philipmchugh/9712171720/) by philipmchugh (http://www.flickr.com/people/philipmchugh/), on Flickr

09-09-13, 17:47
Ffrench,s car was unreal,, great angles too,, , great action from the drifters all day,, some of the show cars were a joke,, ebay stickers were everywhere, un washed or polished cars and just some dog rough scrap,,
some cool stuff too though,

09-09-13, 17:58
Well what a wkend im still recovering from it all started friday practice was unreal sun shining and loads track time was wrecked after it :-D saturday rained i made a cock of my quailfyin had to take off my roof rack is my excuse :-D but watched battles and lads put on great show well done david garvey on the win. Went mad in priests college and mantra was a blur of laughs. Sunday was good savage cars in paddock but also some scrap but soppose ya need them for a laugh some were comicable. Drifting was insane maybe some day get that good fingers crossed. Roll on 2014 cant wait

09-09-13, 18:00
Christ SSR's are done to death in this country :cry:

Dave daly, as always cheers man :cool:

09-09-13, 18:49
That's a sweet 406 estate in the backround Rory.lol
But seriously your car is simply awesome, FairPlay!

rory i want you car! its perfection! loved every bit of the hole weekend. dave daly must be one of the soundest chaps around haha thanks again for bringing parts to idc AGAIN :) next time your staying with us! i can only imagine how much fun next year is going to be! spooning with the drury lad again haha. As for the drifing WOW irish drifters are getting better and better every year. God love the world when Chris and Bernard Doyle move up from stock enough powerd r32s.

thanks very much lads, nice to hear the good feedback about the car lol

loved every second of yesterday meetin all the new heads and havin a laugh

but im matthew lol rory drives the zenki 14 haha

09-09-13, 19:31
My bad man a lil dude of mine made a video by the by if you want a shoot with pm him hes mad for doing a streets video JapFest 2013 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgkg9kAIuBE)

09-09-13, 20:25
That's embarrassing..lol..my bad, guess just since the two of ye are from up that way got confused..and I was thinking to myself I thought Rory had a 14.my bad.lol.

Paul and stevo..lads yer more then welcome! I'd be more then happy to help anytime!

And Paul..yes I will have to stay with ye next time..could get messy though.lol..

09-09-13, 20:30
That blue fc... OMG... only car i took a pic of... great detail.

Agreed about the SP1s stevo. Although there are lots of other SSR styles.

And tbh i don't think Dave Daly's that sound lol

09-09-13, 20:30
next time your staying with us! i can only imagine how much fun next year is going to be! spooning with the drury lad.

Ffs paul what happened in room 322 stays in 322... ;)

i may not have mentioned it... and im not usually one to moan... but driftireland needs to know that the preists college didnt turn on the heating saturday night and thus i got a cold. Im going on joe duffy in the morning about it and Id appriciate a whip around among members to pay for my medical expenices. Cheerz xxx

Side note that was a class weekend good to put faces to names, frenches s13 made me wet every run, standerd of cars in the show was good for the most part too, few cars that shouldnt be in there too but as ya know when the clutch drops the bullshit stops... boooooooooo

09-09-13, 20:33
I feel betrayed :( lol

09-09-13, 20:34
That blue fc... OMG... only car i took a pic of... great detail.

Agreed about the SP1s stevo. Although there are lots of other SSR styles.

And tbh i don't think Dave Daly's that sound lol

Thanks Laurence!lol..guess ill be keeping that front lip so? :p

That was the small guy with you with the hat? He's a serious videographer Paul, FairPlay to him!

Who was the other guy with the German guy? Irish guy, think he's on here?

09-09-13, 20:42
Thanks Laurence!lol..guess ill be keeping that front lip so? :p

That was the small guy with you with the hat? He's a serious videographer Paul, FairPlay to him!

Who was the other guy with the German guy? Irish guy, think he's on here?

his name was dominic man!! hes staying with me for the week! he had a great time!

09-09-13, 21:07
fuck he takes nice pics just seen the corolla he put up. yeah dave thats the lil dude il link his page for some liking :) alan 322 was on fire haha ur just a moan hahahaha


10-09-13, 09:02
^^^^^ yeah i loved that, just hate the molded in arches too... Bronze cst's or something would be perfect on it

Savage day yesterday, A really sexy display of 180s in the paddock!!
The retro autos crowd and all there ke's were awesome too!
The pair of fc's and the old school fb were also class... Really good display of of road cars, savage improvement to last year!

On track, ffrenchies entrys were crazy, car didnt seem to be working perfectly but still drove like a god. Brian egans clutch kicks were also mad.. Well done to everyone.
thank fuck he weather wasnt too bad.

cheers dude we are the retro auto,s crew and our cars got some amount off views i couldnt even eat my lunch in piece with people taken pictures off them all day but was a great day to be fair

10-09-13, 11:53
I really enjoyed the day. Some shitboxes and Gwagons but the quality and variety of Japanese cars was amazing, especially compared to last year.

Highlights for me were the Retro Autos lads, the RA28 Celicas and Crown Wagon, the KP Starlet, the turbo Familia, the number of quality NA and NB Mx5s and the Irwin lads' FCs. It was good to get my FB out as well :-D But yeah, was delighted with the amount of 80s and 70s Jap cars there - could have a decent Japanese Classics meet with the amount that turned out!

IDC was unreal, too. Some of the entries were savage and I was delighted to see a couple of 13B vs V8 battles! First time I got up close to the DMac 240 too, what a cool machine!

Great day all round!

10-09-13, 13:27
Hero of the weekend was Doyle in his R32. Great end to his first season in competition.

Ffrench was so backwards coming over clip one all day it was hard to tell which direction he was headed. The scream of it made my ears bleed.

Paul mccarthy eating Dmac's 1/4 and wearing it like a trophy was the run of the weekend for entertainment

Big congrats to barry leonard, on it all weekend. Has been one of the most improved drivers over the past few seasons for me. Top bloke too.

Bring back derk... thats all ill say.

Bring on 2014 #IDC

12-09-13, 18:40
Thanks for the nice words people!

Here's my blog on IDC RD5 up on Autolifers.com. Includes some onboard footage including my superlap. I always try and be really honest in these sort of things, rather than just the usual "happy to be alive" stuff, so sorry if it's a bit long and rambling, but hopefully some people enjoy it!


In other news. Awesome event. Was a pity it was so wet and cold on the saturday. So much more exciting in the dry mondello, but fairplay to all the semi-pro podiumers. Always nice to see new faces with champagne at the end. Big congrats to Barry Leonard for finishing off a tough year in style too!

Martin ffrench
19-09-13, 08:01
Glad to hear most people enjoyed watching. I aim to entertain. We had some silly things happen over the weekend resulting in superlap being the first clean run. Then the clutch gave up against james. Most likely due to the grip from tyres and power of new engine. For those of you who like the sound she was only reving to 7k because of valve spring issues making 570bhp flywheel. Its now getting biggers springs allowing 8500k limit and should make 650ish plus we are gonna use a 150shot of nos.
Till next time.
martin ffrench.

19-09-13, 11:30
Thanks Laurence!lol..guess ill be keeping that front lip so? :p

That was the small guy with you with the hat? He's a serious videographer Paul, FairPlay to him!

Who was the other guy with the German guy? Irish guy, think he's on here?

That was pym HAHAHAHA !!!!

19-09-13, 11:36
That was pym HAHAHAHA !!!!

actually think that was my bro hahaha, dave knows who i am lol

oh and thanks for the reply to my sexy text ..... :P

24-09-13, 12:40
Ah yes it was Matt! I had never met him before and didn't realise he was with ye so just thought it was some random guy talking to me..tell him I said sorry for being so ignorant..felt like a real tit when I realised he was with ye!lol.

13-10-13, 23:09
Round 5 is on MOTORS TV tomorrow night at 9pm don't know if it's a repeat or what just thought I'd post it up