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View Full Version : Drifter gets his own back

11-11-09, 21:25
drifter attacks lad with the car for throwing somthing at the other car. funny shit:D


11-11-09, 21:39
whopperly fantastic!

11-11-09, 22:08
proper order:cool:

11-11-09, 22:09
i wudda put the foot down and straight over him:cool:

12-11-09, 00:50
did i miss the bit where he threw something?? i thought ur man just crashed and was giving out becuase of where they were standing

12-11-09, 01:49
did i miss the bit where he threw something?? i thought ur man just crashed and was giving out becuase of where they were standing

x2 seen this one before and there was no mention of trowing anything and surely if he did throw something it would of bein the previous lap?

12-11-09, 09:27
u can see ya mans arm move like he threw somethin but didnt actually see anythin flyin...still funny tho :D

andy t
12-11-09, 11:06
da drifter was fair quick off da mark to spot ur man

Tekno Twinky
12-11-09, 11:47
Yeah the dude throw somthin at the 1st car an the guy behind spotted him an immediatley changer direction to smack him ha what a pilot!

Iv seen this video a long long time ago but never coped he threw somthing???

12-11-09, 15:18
ya he was serious quick to spot it an turn...ya man must have been some ass to throw somethin at the car in 1st place

12-11-09, 16:02
aparently he was throwin stuff at cars all day, well, if the youtube comments are to be believed...

12-11-09, 20:56
after watchin that again, your man had locked up and was understeering before it would have been pyhsicaly possible to see the other guy throwin shit!

12-11-09, 21:08
Peter i was there i saw it first hand i was the guy next to him haha

Flat Eric
13-11-09, 01:07
seriously, not a chance he 'just' saw that dude throw something and decided to aim for him.

Unless he saw him do it a lap previous but it really does look like the chap panicked and locked up.

Funny as fcuk though, I personally would park my car and knock the dope out instead of driving into a tyre wall :rolleyes:

Mick K
13-11-09, 01:15
seriously, not a chance he 'just' saw that dude throw something and decided to aim for him.

Unless he saw him do it a lap previous but it really does look like the chap panicked and locked up.

Funny as fcuk though, I personally would park my car and knock the dope out instead of driving into a tyre wall :rolleyes:

Angry Eric FTW....

Launchin stuff from honda corner onto Erics path on the 21st of nov FTMFW

14-11-09, 02:16
Peter i was there i saw it first hand i was the guy next to him haha

realy? sarcastic much?! but i still stand by my point that he didnt do that intentionaly because some guy threw something or whatever! as eric also said, no way it could all be thought out and then driven in that length of time!

14-11-09, 11:01
seriously, not a chance he 'just' saw that dude throw something and decided to aim for him.

Unless he saw him do it a lap previous but it really does look like the chap panicked and locked up.

Funny as fcuk though, I personally would park my car and knock the dope out instead of driving into a tyre wall :rolleyes:


17-12-09, 23:26
ha ha ha ha

19-12-09, 21:12
Pasted the comments off youtube & u can see they say that the driver seen him throwing stuff earlier that day

The dude gets out like hes going to attack the dude who he hit, if that were me id have smashed his car up aha.

And yea, should know how to drifit if you own that.
Slazzy (1 month ago) Show Hide +3 Marked as spam Reply | Spam and explodes. misleading
MrDiiick (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam It does look like the kid was throwing something.. Damn if that's true then mad props to the driver. I would have loved to see him beat that kid's bitch ass down. Look at him try to get away at the end when the guy gets out LOL
Wolf8x2 (1 month ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam haha i was expecting a literal explosion. hahaha

ThePubLegend (2 months ago) Show Hide +6 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Urgh, not sure what to think.... guy stop in time not killing him, but other guy went off his face? Should be glad he aint dead yeh?
hunterx2568 (2 months ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam if i was the ne who got hit i'd deffenately fight the driver. wtf that guy should learn to drift

READ BELOW____________________________
13Razgriz37 (2 months ago) Show Hide +5 Marked as spam Reply | Spam No, he knows how to drift. He hit the guy on purpose b/c the fucker was throwing shit at a bunch of cars. theres a longer version of this ive been trying to find where it shows him throwing shit at other cars. You see him throw something at the first car in this one, and right after the guy behind him stopped mid drift and tried to run that fucker over. So actually, "that guy" knows his shit.
hockysa (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam notice how the guy that got hit walks away. He knows he's done something wrong.

that guy knows how to drift. I'd say he hit him on purpose for throwing shit at the drivers
786dondon (3 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam yh looks like he was and he ran away
noob5000000 (4 months ago) Show Hide +3 Marked as spam Reply | Spam LOL was he going to fight him at the end?
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S14a johno
20-12-09, 17:30
he got served, it deserve him rite :p