View Full Version : paint code work emotion matte bronze (mgm)

01-02-12, 00:39
hows it goin lads picked up a set of work emotion cr kais tonight and i want to paint them the work matte bronze (mgm) colour anyone know the paint code off it or sometin very similar i have the work stickers ordered in blue and im goin blue wheel studs aswell

thanks in advance

haydn itr
01-02-12, 01:29
Toyota 4q9 with a lacquer with a matting agent in it might get close enough for ya ! It's usually impossible to get the exact colour on them

01-02-12, 11:21
Dec i did these last week with the toyota 4q9 and a matt lacqure, i also did a set of works a good while ago and i remember getting a saab code for them and it was 100% cant for the life of me remember it but if you get who ever mixes your paint to show you the saab colour chart you should find it

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420987_208793349216310_123050261123953_403353_5810 67020_n.jpg

01-02-12, 13:24
That's perfect lads sweet tbh I've never really sprayed anything that has to look perfect before is it easy done

haydn itr
01-02-12, 13:39
Ye it's grand plenty of time into the preparation makes for a good finish ! Several grades of wet and dry and work ur way upto about A 1000 grit or so ! Then nice build up of primer u can sand this lightly between coats if needed too then do the colour plenty of light coats is better than thick heavy ones. Leave plenty of time to dry proper or use a heat gun then lacquer! The prep is where most of time is best spent !

02-02-12, 19:16
nice one for the info would anyone be into doin them for me have pics of all 4 wheels and what i want them like im in two minds wheather to keep the original colour they are or go the mgm colour i have the blue stickers on the way too

