View Full Version : For Sale: 16x brand new internal drive wheel nuts and s14 cat for NCT'S!

24-10-11, 12:12
bought the 16 STEEL internal wheel nuts for the last car, but was too lazy and never put them on , they are brand new and come with the special tool for them (star drive) , great added security to your wheels as you need the tool to take them off!

35 euro ono

can also throw in 4 brand new security wheel nuts for an addition 10 euro , meaning you would have 20 wheel nuts in total for 5 stud cars!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/386711_10150339903667749_520217748_8171074_1995238 950_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/385465_10150339903787749_520217748_8171077_1823277 678_n.jpg

cat sold

all stuff located in galway

will take swaps for decat, turbo timer, mechanical boost gauge

24-10-11, 12:30
if that cat will fit a 98 180 il take it and have a turbo timer here if u want .. old style hks 1 . could well be in galway during this week some night

24-10-11, 12:35
if that cat will fit a 98 180 il take it and have a turbo timer here if u want .. old style hks 1 . could well be in galway during this week some night

ill find out dude! any pic of turbo timer??

24-10-11, 12:35
Swap your nuts for my gauge? :cool:


24-10-11, 12:41
Cat will fit any s-body and r32

24-10-11, 12:41
ill find out dude! any pic of turbo timer??

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIuwVca3mV_jc4R1cB7_Is9Wk_DGoh5 m6SyI6JLKAK4-8N9rtQ

mines exact same has a s13/180 plug on it . mint really clean ..

24-10-11, 13:12
I'll def take the cat if it isn't gone already!

24-10-11, 18:49
seen it all now lol pics form elitejdm or this
oh ya that cat should fit

24-10-11, 18:56
cat prov sold!

25-10-11, 13:55
cat sold!

Swap your nuts for my gauge? :cool:


thanks for offer , holding out for cash but ill let you know dude!

26-10-11, 01:33
How big are your nuts Nikki? Would you post them?

serious tom
26-10-11, 02:30
How big are your nuts Nikki? Would you post them?

Sick, sick man.
That is all...

26-10-11, 10:43
How big are your nuts Nikki? Would you post them?

hahaha ! um i dont honestly know how to answer this , but yes can be posted for a bit extra, they are 1.25 thread

27-10-11, 13:00
offers on my nuts!

29-10-11, 15:34
pics added