View Full Version : Tannery Halloween Drift day

Paddy drifter
15-10-11, 17:38
Drift day sunday oct 30th
Gates 12
action from 1
tyre machine

Tannery Models on site

hot food

FANCY DRESS .... if you dare
Prizes for the best costumes.

E10 to drift all day per driver
E5 to watch per person.

bring the whole family .......
lots of drift action.

tannery drifting stickers now available at E2 each (at the gate).

jap scrap
15-10-11, 19:07
I dont know where tannery is but that is great value €10 for the whole day any more details pics or video of track and where it actually is would be great

Paddy drifter
15-10-11, 19:11
its in portlaw in waterford

17-10-11, 17:14
whats the track like does anyone know??

pole drift
17-10-11, 17:26
Pics of proposed models!!

Paddy drifter
17-10-11, 18:02
whats the track like does anyone know??

nice track few bumps but grand

Paddy drifter
17-10-11, 18:03


https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309118_233956546650878_100001096020602_654366_2434 252_n.jpg

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