View Full Version : Me & Freddys blog from Japfest

18-09-11, 22:48
Part1 now up on Speedhunters

I think blog writing has driven me insane


18-09-11, 23:11
Oh how i lol'd

Darren: Freddy, on behalf of the people of Ireland I'd like to thank you for coming and giving us the opportunity to kick your ass

Excellent read.

AND..... Our team manfoot tag of Aasbo's car made it onto the blog, and our mascot Ms.Keane. Is anyone safe from the MANFOOT?

19-09-11, 05:54
That was a really enjoyable read, do more.

19-09-11, 08:55
Look at me on Speedhunters!! My claim to fameeee :D

Loved this read , Excellent blog , keep doing it :D

Hear Freddie saying 'it warms his heart' to hear the crowd went nuts with his mental entry! Love that :D

19-09-11, 09:24
Good read and pics! Enjoyed that

19-09-11, 12:37
Darren has to be the only good blog writer on that site to be fair. he acctually says funny and true stuff when everyone else is just like, "yes" "no" "maybe". savage read.

19-09-11, 19:40
Darren has to be the only good blog writer on that site to be fair. he acctually says funny and true stuff when everyone else is just like, "yes" "no" "maybe". savage read.

Thanks man

I'm only having a bit of craic and trying to wind up Freddy

this things take so long to write i have to try and amuse myself. some people commenting on there obviously cant take a joke

here is Part2

19-09-11, 19:44
Keyboard warrior's. 10er says if they showed up at an event they'd be arse kissing.

Do what i do, only take notice of positive comments :p

pole drift
19-09-11, 19:44
People don't always understand Irish humour. Great read

20-09-11, 03:02
good read ther, havent read part 2 yet but so far so good, and as poledrift said some people just dont understand or irish humour, keep up the good work and driftin D-MAC your doing a great job for the irish :D