View Full Version : 200sx Ca18 long timer!

17-06-11, 16:56
hey lads this is my first build thread, so go easy :P i wasnt really expecting to get this car but a mate of mine was looking to sell it and as some of you know i was trying to sell my rc drift car so we did a bit of deal and i ended up getting the car and a bit of cash so happy days! its completely standard but its a good base! the engine is fooked so i'm on the look out for a new ca! i just dont have the funds to sr it but maybe in a few months! :cool:

its as rough as a badgers arse but sure it'l do for a few skids
i'll have better pics on monday!

17-06-11, 17:06
good job! put a ca in it and serivce it regularly and just drive it till it bangs! ca's are cheap as feck

17-06-11, 17:08
yea a ca, a set of coliovers, weld the diff and possibly a lick of paint! and she'l do the job!

18-06-11, 10:20
ca's are great if ya find a good one! and they sound savage imo! best of luck with her!

18-06-11, 10:31
nice shell,hows the rust on it

ye find a nice CA cheap to buy and all and aswell they sound deadly;)

18-06-11, 13:30
Best of luck with it , whats wrong with the engine- rebuild it ? cheap engine to rebuild

18-06-11, 17:06
cheers thanks lads! yea its full of rust but nothing a good welder wont fix!

yea that crossed my mind alright! but i found a ca for 70 quid so it'd probably be less hassle, saying that if i did a rebuild at least i know it wouldnt go pop for awhile!

21-07-11, 19:06
right i suppose its about time to update this!
well i didnt get the new engine i kinda have this plan of putting a sr20de in it but for now i said i'd have a look at whats in it seen as i didnt actually hear it go pop so the curiosity was killing me!
so i just to see i took the plugs out and they were swimming in oil well two of them were so i presumed the valved gasket had gone! so went and bought 2 new ones and went about changing them! took the first valve cover off and low and behold there was no sign of any gasket on either cover!! shocked to say the least! so changed both of them and got some new plugs and she started!! happy days! so hopefully the bottom ends arent fucked but i'll drive it till it dies and then i'll sr it!
so while i was in a good mood i decided to take the dreaded sound deading out! i wasnt looking forward to this at all from all the horror stories i've heard of! but a big hammer and a screw driver and about an hour of my time and its looking like this

well thats it for now but i'll be keeping it updated as much as i can.

21-07-11, 21:08
nice car lad, glad ya got the ca goin great little motors:)
keep the oil changed regular and she'll be grand
best o luck with her:D

23-07-11, 11:00
glad to see the engine wasnt fuked. no valve cover gaskets eh. their all a bunch of cowboys ted.

23-07-11, 11:55
great car to start off. great potential.

had a ca myself years ago drove the dirt outa it an it lasted away for as long as i had it

fuck the lick of paint lad it wil only get marked an dented my yoke is multi coloured