View Full Version : Mercedes C250 Wiper Motor!

serious tom
31-01-11, 16:20
It's a '98 Mecedes c250 TD, been driving around with the wiper
Motor not not working.Finding it real hard to get one, I'll put it up here ad if I don't get one quick I'll by one off the Internet
. So, Anyone have one? single wiper.


P.s13 silvy
31-01-11, 22:39
Neighbour had the exact same prob and he got some dude to recon the motor, 30 blips as opposed to 250 off mercedes

serious tom
31-01-11, 22:46
Wonder where ya could get that done :/
Must get on the case, I was never for buying one off mercedes, im not mental :P

If ya hear where he got it done could ya gimme a shout?