View Full Version : Dc2 red Recaros MINT for swap/sale €400 (SOLD)

08-09-10, 14:17
€400 seats only for next few days!!!!!!!!!!!

Mint, here they are, no wear, bolsters perfect


Going away next week and will be back up in price when i get back!!!!!!!

Cefiro Panch
08-09-10, 17:19
pm me how much money ur thinking if you were to get the swap of a Bride and a standard seat?

08-09-10, 17:24
these seats are mint guys and extremly comfy!!! andy your mad to sell them!!!

08-09-10, 17:27
recaros ftw:D iv one the black ones your lookin for to go into my ps just pain in the arse tryin to get a rail

08-09-10, 19:13
recaros ftw:D iv one the black ones your lookin for to go into my ps just pain in the arse tryin to get a rail

swap for red darragh??? :D

08-09-10, 19:15
pm me how much money ur thinking if you were to get the swap of a Bride and a standard seat?

Could you throw up a picture of the bride to give me an idea??

Cefiro Panch
08-09-10, 19:33
Could you throw up a picture of the bride to give me an idea??

Will Have pic tomo!

alan opel
08-09-10, 20:54
dude there worth more than that on the honda scene! even in worse nick, yours a mint!

08-09-10, 21:17
dude there worth more than that on the honda scene! even in worse nick, yours a mint!

I don't even think i'd sell them, really want solid black ones with the big logo though, or with red would be deadly like these:
http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://www.meisterschaftmotor.com/images/seats/recaro_SRD_red_stitch_250.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.meisterschaftmotor.com/seats.html&usg=__bjfb65VfW_vVAwwHutCP45kUHpw=&h=333&w=250&sz=18&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Y5B51WqPGwlqwM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drecaro%2Bblack%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff %26biw%3D1308%26bih%3D502%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=530&ei=8PyHTOXsLoPGswax28WVCg&oei=8PyHTOXsLoPGswax28WVCg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=52&ty=51

alan opel
08-09-10, 21:25
i no evan swapped his red ones for a set of mint dc2 black ones..

08-09-10, 21:32
Dont want the dc2 ones though, want like the toyota ones u get in gt4's and the odd levin, but plain, not picky at all :D

alan opel
08-09-10, 22:05
Dont want the dc2 ones though, want like the toyota ones u get in gt4's and the odd levin, but plain, not picky at all :D

isnt the material in them kinda thin tho? not like yours now, the whole seats are like the same material as the middle a yours?

08-09-10, 22:07
isnt the material in them kinda thin tho? not like yours now, the whole seats are like the same material as the middle a yours?

It's a little lighter i think but not like the mesh middle of the type r ones no.

09-09-10, 09:28
haha nope im keepin the black one its alllllll mine:D

13-09-10, 22:37
Will Have pic tomo!

did u ever take that pic??

Cefiro Panch
14-09-10, 11:42
Sorry totally spaced man!

Cefiro Panch
16-09-10, 02:43
Pic taken, just trying to find my usb connection!

Cefiro Panch
16-09-10, 14:21
Here are pics!

17-09-10, 17:33
my 2 are the same as them^^^ sory never got back iv bein flatout. txt me if ur around 2ni im around till 8 0872751547

21-09-10, 21:24
Bump new pic

27-09-10, 21:55
Any offfers for me???

19-10-10, 19:13
Bump this up

19-10-10, 20:37
What rails are on them?

19-10-10, 21:17
What rails are on them?

S body, not selling with the rails tho, will do very good deal for cash this week

21-10-10, 14:34
€480 for these

21-10-10, 15:04
These up on DTD? Fuckloads of Honda heads over there

21-10-10, 15:09
These up on DTD? Fuckloads of Honda heads over there

im selling a mint set on dtd so feck off:p

there is another set too so i wouldnt bother;)

21-10-10, 19:03
im selling a mint set on dtd so feck off:p

there is another set too so i wouldnt bother;)

They are on dtd :D

01-11-10, 17:22
Will take €450 for these, serious bargain, pay that for shit ones.

01-11-10, 17:26
Will take €450 for these, serious bargain, pay that for shit ones.

iv mine at the same price....its a joke.people are normally dying for mints ones:mad:

03-11-10, 17:46

03-11-10, 17:47
How much with the s body rails???

03-11-10, 17:50
How much with the s body rails???

€550, proper rails that slide and all, hard to get thats why i want to keep them

03-11-10, 17:55
U looking for other seats, or just looking to sell these??

03-11-10, 17:59
Want black reacaros with the white logo on headrest or two nice brides or one fixed bride/recaro and one recliner

03-11-10, 18:11
Any interest in a set of mint sparcos??? with some cash your way

03-11-10, 18:30
No thank you

03-11-10, 18:37
No probs man, would ya sell the passenger rail if ya got a good enough offer??

03-11-10, 18:40
No probs man, would ya sell the passenger rail if ya got a good enough offer??

Not at the minute unless its a crazy offer, if im in a position to sell at any stage you will be the first to know :D

05-11-10, 22:58

06-11-10, 00:39
€400 next few days only!!!!!! Can admin put €400 in title please!!

12-11-10, 00:41
sold sold sold